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If you have no idea what Web 3 is, or if you'd like to learn more about the concept, you absolutely must take part in the event on November 22! at Eclozr (6:30pm - 8pm).

Mobilize your customers to raise their awareness and provide them with concrete keys to the next major technological and usage revolutions.

To register, click here :
REGISTER via Eventbrite

From the static Web 1 to the participative Web 2 with social networks and platforms, many of our uses have been transformed.

Web3 is now in full swing, bringing a new batch of potentially revolutionary changes.

To make sure you don't get lost in this fast-changing world, we've put together an overview of :

  • The philosophy of Web 3, towards decentralization and the desired end of platforms.
  • The possibilities offered by technology to adopt radically different forms of governance and transactions (financial or extra-financial), up to and including the creation of fully decentralized, autonomous organizations.

What if decentralized finance was just around the corner? It's possible with Web 3. No more blah, blah, blah, we're getting down to business:

  • How does blockchain work?
  • What does an NFT platform look like and how do I make a transaction?
  • What are the concrete benefits of metavers?
    How does web3 go beyond metavers?
  • What are the consequences of new uses, such as "smart contracts"?


To explain everything, the following will be present:

  • Romain Bovyn, Co-founder of Conjecto, an IT engineering company specializing in innovative data exploitation.
  • Gaël Seydoux, Founder and CEO of Emova, specialized in customer experience via metavers.
  • Philippe Carrez, multi-faceted CEO and developer of applications and service platforms for virtual and augmented reality and metavers.

Join us on November 22 to find out what Web 3 will change for you: REGISTER via Eventbrite