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THE 360° explorations BLOG

Virtual reality, examples and reflections


IFTM 2024 - explorations360 VR 360 terminals

IFTM 2024 - explorations360 VR 360 terminals

IFTM 2024 Come and enjoy an exclusive, immersive travel experience! Join us at Stand L082 (LUXE INFINITY MAGAZINE) on April 17, 18, 19, 2024 at Paris Porte de Versailles, to discover our easy VR SAAS platform and our new VR kiosk solution...

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Declaration of Independence for Cyberspace

Declaration of Independence for Cyberspace

Declaration of independence for cyberspace We mentioned WEB independence in an article on the genesis of "Metavers", and the Podcast linked below is a good complement for those who want to know more about these concrete and effective struggles. This...

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School bullying

School bullying

School bullying and VR: we know that VR headsets put more strain on the right brain, which is more visual and intuitive. It allows us to feel other people's emotions, and to empathize.

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Will the Metaverse kill tourism?

Will the Metaverse kill tourism?

Our relationship with virtual tourism. The metaverse report danger... The title of this article is a question that was put to me on QUORA, and before giving some possible answers, let's recall the promises of the Metaverse, and those of tourism. definition Metaverse...

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Village Events - Artificial intelligence!

Village Events - Artificial intelligence!

using artificial intelligence in vr Village Events - Artificial Intelligence!👉 Join us on 28/03/2023 from 12:15pm to 1:45pm at the Village By CA des Côtes d'Armor for a free conference on AI with Thomas Wentz! The speaker - Thomas...

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Video Restitution : Why Metavers?

Video Restitution : Why Metavers?

Captation Metaverse conference de Pascal Guitton avec la participation de Philippe Carrez The "L'invité(e) du jeudi" conferences - a partnership between Cnam Bretagne and AFAS - are held every month. Hosted by experts with a passion for their field...

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Why Metavers?

Why Metavers?

Métavers Conference Thursday March 9 at 6:30 pm by Pascal Guitton, Professor Emeritus University of Bordeaux & Inria 👀En visio, on Teams or in person at the Totem de l'Innovation in Saint-BrieucThe Cnam Bretagne offers you in partnership with the Association Française...

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What is the Metaverse?

What is the Metaverse?

"While it may still be a buzzword to its initiates, metavers is no longer a novelty to its enthusiasts, as it has been around for over 20 years. On the B2B side, opportunities involving metavers already exist, and capital-intensive industries are using them...

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Visit us at Metadays

Visit us at Metadays

We'll be there to present our solutions: 📢Come and meet us on NOVEMBER 29 & 30 2022 in PARISat the Centre de Congrès Rive Montparnasse, Stand S11 for the METADAYS! France's first BtoB event for Metavers content and business Through 2 days of...

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What is web3

What is web3

If you have no idea what Web 3 is, or if you'd like to learn more about the concept, you absolutely must take part in the event on November 22! at Eclozr (6.30pm - 8pm). Mobilize your customers too, to raise their awareness and provide them with the keys...

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Visit the seabed in virtual reality

Visit the seabed in virtual reality

We will be present at the international festival of the underwater world: in Hyères from November 16 to 20, 2022 Forum du Casino des Palmiers3 avenue Ambroise Thomas83400 Hyères les Palmiers You will be able to discover our platform for raising awareness of the protection...

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Rendez-vous QUAI DES RÉSEAUX 2022

Rendez-vous QUAI DES RÉSEAUX 2022

We'll be at Quai des Réseaux 22 to talk about our feedback from our project with the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche, in which we mixed Archaeology, AI and Immersion through VR. If you'd like to exchange ideas, share...

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Innovation in the Grand-Ouest

Innovation in the Grand-Ouest

The Grand Ouest Innovation trade show returns for a third edition on Saturday, November 13, 2021, right on our doorstep: at Carré Rosengart, port du Légué in Saint-Brieuc, from 10am to 6pm. Come and meet part of our team, discuss projects, techniques and...

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Modeling the Underwater World

Modeling the Underwater World

Blue planet: the last digital frontier? We have the pleasure of speaking at the Baie des Sciences 2021 Festival, as part of the Fête des Sciences. SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 - 4:00 pm Médiathèque André Malraux, Saint-Brieuc When virtual universes...

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5 years of maintenance-free immersion!

5 years of maintenance-free immersion!

At the time of writing: exactly 5 years ago (July 2016), we were finishing the development and installation of Immersive360, the first brick in our easysuite360 platform, for the Monaco Oceanographic Institute and the Oceanographic Museum...

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Immerse yourself in prehistory with VR and AI

Immerse yourself in prehistory with VR and AI

To be able to walk through a cave inhabited more than 500,000 years ago, visualize the remains of human occupation and then go out into the surrounding valley to observe the flora and fauna of that era: that's the dream of archaeologists at the Tautavel site in...

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Download 135 examples of VR uses!

Download 135 examples of VR uses!

Virtual reality uses 19 students from Audencia school in Nantes, divided into 4 teams, deliver 135 postcards of the results of their job interviews, and what the explorations360 platform inspired in them as playgrounds and perspectives for...

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