+33 (0)2 96 60 75 93

(Photo: Cooperl Environnement's immersive room)

Rarely enough to be noticed, this file did not arrive via the classic route of our lively sales force!

It came to us via one of our partners👍, with whom we usually collaborate (on all video and sound equipment): @Loops to name but one. A professional and reliable partner with whom we share real values!

And already in the loop were other entities whose specialties overlapped ours:

A special mention goes to @Mediapilote, a 360° communications agency, whose manager Michèle was soon responsible for the overall coordination of what would turn out to be a first-rate project for all of us!

The idea: to create an innovative showroom concept, enabling a company that has historically been very reserved to communicate not only its unique know-how, but above all its ecological and societal commitment.

An immersive room

The concept: a dedicated 50m² space featuring a 19-meter-wide curved screen on which content produced by the consortium is projected in immersive mode. Videos, 3D animations, motion designs, interviews, audios - all media scripted and edited to tell an incredible story!

Featuring a 50 m² circular room, the bubble, located in the Beausoleil zone in Lamballe, is a gateway for breeders and the general public to the activities of this subsidiary of the Cooperl pork industry group (Crédit Photo explorations360).

And this incredible story is that of @CooperlENVIRONNEMENT!

This is the most little-known branch of the COOPERL ARC ATLANTIC Cooperative (for non-breton **nul n'est parfait 😉**, one of the heavyweights of the French and European agro-industrial sector!), yet it has become one of its spearheads in terms of research and development activities on subjects related to the breeding, production and distribution of pork and beef.
Or, to put it another way: how, in the space of 30 years and thanks to massive investment, the preservation and enhancement of the environment have become powerful growth drivers for this major player in a rapidly changing agro-industrial sector!

Cooperl ENVIRONNEMENT is at the cutting edge of its field, and it's high time people knew it!

On the other hand, let it be known, Ok ... But especially not to make "Cock-a-doodle-doo on the fence" !!! Not really the Cooperative's style...

Rather, the aim is to demonstrate that this leading player in the meat production chain has been thinking ahead for a long time!

At 30 years more than 300 million euros have been invested to place the environment at the heart of our production strategy... in particular by producing BIOENERGIES from WATER or even NATURAL FERTILIZERSfrom livestock breeding and meat processing.

That, in a nutshell, is our roadmap.

From this intention, it was necessary to draw up an action plan around which to federate the energies of structures capable of working in a perfectly complementary way to :

  • Imagine the storytelling, the words and testimonials for this story to be told (@Mediapilote & @Mr Joe),
    Imagine the venue (@BW Architects) and what it should look like,
  • Imagine a name for this showcase, imagine a setting, imagine the wealth of content, imagine the right way to present it,
  • Imagining the technologies to be mobilized (@Loops)
  • That, at last, the technical side of things disappears completely behind the message and the people behind it... And that's where we (@ImmersionTools / @explorations360😉) were able to make our contribution!

The added value of explorations360 & IMMERSION TOOLS: to make technology simple and accessible, even though it is complex and omnipresent!
In other words, to create a content editing and presentation tool accessible via a control tablet that is simple and flexible to use, and centralizes all the tools required by the presenter.

Immersive Room

A complete system for creating, scripting and managing the entire presentation infrastructure.

The most interesting thing about this collaboration, in retrospect, is that it all came together naturally, based on the initial intuition that all these entities were made to work together!

Everyone then naturally took their place in the scheme, assuming their share of added value and willingly collaborating with what ended up becoming a "Dream Team". Dream Team " ! (in the words of Franck PORCHER and Anne-Julie PLOUVIER, Cooperl ENVIRONNEMENT's Managing Director and Marketing and Communications Manager respectively).

Less than a year in project mode will have enabled us to inaugurate this mediation and communication center for customers, institutions, schools, associations and, tomorrow, tourists!

Tight timing and high expectations linked to the project's ambitions sealed the energies of each stakeholder around a common goal: to create an outstanding tool!
Outstanding for :

  • The customer, to enable him to demonstrate his ambitions and roadmap through an immersive and innovative communication tool,
  • The consortium, to enable it to implement this synergy of skills and talents for the first time, and why not give itself the means to replicate the approach with other customers.


At IMMERTION TOOLS, whatever our level of involvement in a project, we're always just as committed! You can't change who you are.
Whether working on our own behalf or as part of a consortium, we put all our energy into ensuring the success of our customers' projects. From the consulting and design phase through to development and production, we take great care to maintain the relationship of trust we enjoy with our customers and partners alike.

And that's and will remain our trademark!

To be continued...